Starting from:



📼 An 8 hour FULLY personalized audio is built on approximately 20 pages of written affirmations that best suit your desires. I will use certain frequencies that deepen even more the effect of the affirmations and also brainwaves to increase your mind’s suggestibility.


Is an Affirmations Tape the same thing as a Guided Meditation? What is the difference between An Affirmations Tape/Audio and a Self-Hypnosis Tape/Audio? 

An Affirmations Tape is NOT a Guided Meditation.

🎙️An Affirmations Tape consists of positive statements or phrases repeated to reinforce a positive mindset. It aims to shape your thoughts and beliefs. Affirmations Tapes are primarily meant to be listened to while multitasking or sleeping, having them play in the background, at 30-40% volume, as you engage in household chores, office work, go for a walk/run, exercise, drive or sleep. Affirmations Audios are used to reprogram the subconscious mind the lazy, effortless way, by NOT focusing your attention DIRECTLY on the words, unless, of course, you choose to do so. 

🎧 On the other hand, a Self-Hypnosis Tape/Audio guides you into a relaxed, trance-like state where suggestions can deeply impact your subconscious mind. A Self-Hypnosis Tape involves a narrator leading you through a series of mental images or mindfulness exercises to achieve relaxation and focus, often without specific affirmations. A Self-Hypnosis Tape, just like a Guided Meditation tape, requires your FULL attention and CANNOT be used while multitasking. 


📌 The main difference between the 1 hour tape and the 8 hours audio is the number of affirmations used: the 1 hour one is built on 10 pages of affirmations, or less and the 8 hours one is created based on 20 pages of affirmations, or more. Also, because of its length, the 8 hours tape allows for the use of 3-4 topics affirmations( example: love affirmations + wealth and health affirmations) as oppose to the 1 hour audio which is recommended to contain only 1 topic affirmations( example love affirmations).

📦 The recording will be delivered to you via a Google drive link. The pdf with every single affirmation used in creating your personalized recording will also be made available for instant download.

📧 After you make the purchase, please send the proof of payment screenshot and a detailed explanation of your situation + the goals you have, via DM on my Instagram page or to this email:




⚠️ Disclaimer:
• Due to the nature of the service provided, all sales are final. No refunds (partial or full) allowed. 

• It is a legal requirement that we include a disclaimer on this site. In accordance with the law in several countries, we must point out that all advice and teachings given here are subjective in nature, and no guarantee can be given as to the final outcome of private coaching or recordings purchases. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions, therefore the results one gets, is entirely up to them.

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